Tuesday 18 October 2011

My first emotional trial

Every mother would undergo some degree of emotional distress in her life related to her child. For me, it came a bit too early I would say. The most depressing, heart-breaking moment I had. On the 24th of September, We took Abee to for her scheduled injection, 3rd dose of Polio if i'm not mistaken. She was all fine after the injection, as she was smiling away. All went well. On the following Friday, I left her at my Grandmother's place ( my usual practice), and to my shock, I received a call saying she is crying non-stop. At first every one thought it was due to her discomfort of being around at my granny's place after so long. After work we rushed to fetch her and she was a bit ok. She slept well that night.

The next morning she woke up and as I lifted her from the spring cot, my little girl shrieked out aloud as if something hurt her badly. When I checked on her, I saw a huge lump protruding on her left thigh!!! I panicked and we rushed her to hospital immediately. As the doctor examined, he informed that it could be the counter reaction towards the jab she had a week ago and should reside within couple of days.

Sadly, no improvements so we took her back to another hospital for 2nd opinion. There, the GP suspected that it could be an abscess ( An abscess  is a collection of pus  that has accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue in which the pus resides due to an infectious process usually caused by bacteria or parasites or other foreign materials e.g., splinters, bullet wounds, or injecting needles).

So he suggested that we come back the next day for a confirmation from the Paediatrician before any medication. As I had to fly to Bangkok the next day on a business trip, my parents took my baby to the hospital next day. The specialist was uncertain about the lump and gave antibiotics and put her under observation for a week.

After a week, ( I came back from Bangkok already), we noticed it was just getting worst. So without delaying we took her to her regular Paed and asked of his opinion. He confirmed of the abscess and informed that a minor surgery had to be done to my little girl to remove the abscess. Yes, unimaginable sadness overwhelmed me. How could my little one go through a surgery ? She is too young & small for it! No choice we had to get it done.

So on the 14th, she was admittedat Tawakkal for her surgery. I must say this, the paediatric surgeon, Doctor Wan Usamah was extremely good, so caring and explained every single thing so clearly. I went into the operation theatre. I was very nervous, sad and worried. But I was only allowed to be there till she was sedated. The surgery went well, but i went through an emotional distress and I just couldnt stop crying. I knew Vim was extremely sad too, but he kept it strong and consoled me all the way through. Without him, I would have shattered for sure.

Fortunately, my lil angel became so normal right after the surgery. She began to  roll over, and became my playful little brat again. She brought back the sunshine and that was what consoled me the most! Now she is recovering at a fast pace and i'm so glad seeing that. She is growing up so fast. Recognizing faces now already!! Love to see her growing day by day.. She just brightens our life completely...Me and Vim would sell our souls for her.. anything , anything at all for my baby girl.. She is our everything...Love you baby girl.. Amma & Acha love you!! Muaaxx!!!

Lots of Love

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