Saturday 10 March 2012

Long break

Its been a while since I wrote. Work has been overwhelming me quite badly. My initial goal was to update my blog atleast twice a week and looks like I failed quite badly. Its alright, now I'm back to update loads of stories.
My little love is 10 months now and mesmerizes everyone with her amazing gestures endlelessly. One to point out, which is , she calls me 'Amma' which simply means 'mother' in english. The very first time I heard her calling me such, it melted me right away and as a gesture of response, i could only shed tear. What a powerful and meaningful word it was! Its true when people say, be a mother to understand your mother's love. Abee completed me!
I do not know whether I would be half of what my mother is, but I know i would go to the end of the world to give the best for her!

Love you Abee